
We have been in business since the mid '90s and are proud of our productive, long-term relationships with most international companies and Embassies in Croatia.

We assist ex-pats and diplomats in finding a family home from our wide range of apartments and houses. As our agents have moved many times and lived abroad, they understand the challenges of relocating to a new country and city, offer a range of useful tips on everyday life in Zagreb, and provide comprehensive legal support, to make the relocation as pleasant and as stress-free as possible.

Owners of the flats and houses rented by our clients are guaranteed long-term tenancies, and a steady income. The rent and utilities are paid on time, and the properties are well-maintained.

American International School of Zagreb I Berlitz I British American Tobacco I Carlsberg I Coca-Cola I Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints I Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Croatia I Deloitte I DHL I Dukat/Lactalis I Emezzeta I Ericsson Nikola Tesla I Erste Bank I European Bank for Reconstruction and Development I Embassy of Austria I Embassy of the Arap Republic of Egypt I Embassy of Bosnia and Hercegovina I Embassy of Canada I Embassy of the Czech Republic I Embassy of the Federative Republic of Brazil I Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany I Embassy of the Hellenic Republic I Embassy of Hungary I Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium I Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark I Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco I Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands I Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway I Embassy of the Kingdom of Sweden I Embassy of Ireland I Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran I Embassy of the Italian Republic I Embassy od Malaysia I Embassy of the Portuguese Republic I Embassy of the Republic of Albania I Embassy of the Republic of Austria I Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria I Embassy of the Republic of India I Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia I Embassy of the Republic of Iraq I Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan I Embassy of Republic of Poland I Embassy of the Republic of Serbia I Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia I Embassy of Romania I Embassy of the Slovak Republic I Embassy of the State of Qatar I Embassy of the Swiss Confederation I Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland I European Bank for Reconstruction and Development I European Commission Representation I Expandia I Ferrero I Generali I Gillette I Grawe I Heineken I HEP I Hoto I IBM I Ikea I Ina I L'oréal I Merck Gmbh I Metro Cash and Carry I MOL I MSD I Nestlé I Novartis I Oracle I Oriflame I Peugeot I Philips I Pliva I PriceWaterhouseCoopers I Privredna Bank I Procter & Gamble I Raiffeisen Bank I Reckitt Benckiser I Renault Nissan I Samsung I Siemens I T-HT I Tele2 I Unilever I Uniqa I Zagrebačka Bank